So, I haven't blogged in a long time, but you will be happy to know that I am returning! HOORAY! So much has happened that I'm not even sure where to start.
God is teaching me so much right now. I have recently lost what I thought was everything, only to realize that in the process of that loss I actually gained everything. I drifted far from God and found myself trapped in a relapse. I was able to pull out by the grace of God, my parents, and my friends and mentor. I learned so much through the experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.
I am learning how to live a simple life. Do I NEED an iphone, or a mac computer, or anything fancy that the world tells me I need? No. I mean, let's be real; I want those things. I want an iphone (I love the little typewriter noises it makes when you text) but, frankly, I have more important things to focus on right now.
Such as, where in the world is God calling me??? I wish I knew the answer. I have searched everything from small coffee shop jobs here in Florida to a human trafficking ministry in Hawaii. I refuse to box myself in. I am at the perfect age to enjoy my freedom and follow Christ with complete abandon. I am wanting to take advantage of my single, late twenties life and give it all to God. I'm not really afraid anymore. Part of that is my parents reminding me to just breathe and trust God, and the rest of it is that I am actually doing just that.
So, here we are. I'm feeling a lot like Indiana Jones when he had to step out into that giant cavern onto the invisible bridge that he wasn't even sure was there. I don't have that middle age sexiness of Harrison Ford or a cool whip and hat, or let alone awesome theme music. But I have God. And that's enough.
You are so awesome! When you put God first and surrender all to Him then you can do anything!! All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us! I am so proud of how you are handling all this! What a great example you are to all of us! I love you!