Friday, April 1, 2011

richard simmons

I'm watching my friend Sarah do a work out video right now.  I like to consider myself morally supporting her as she works out.  The work out instructor is some blond lady who makes every move seem super sexy.  I don't how she does it.

It makes me think of Richard Simmons.  I love him.  I could do his videos all day.  I don't know if it's the gay attitude, the awkward hair and clothes, or his general joyfulness.  All I know is, I want Richard Simmons to follow me around all day.  He could encourage me through everything.  I began to imagine what it would be like to have him as my little life coach.

"Ruthie, you can file those papers!  I believe in you!"
"Ruthie, it's time to get your awesome self out of bed and face another amazing day!  Come on!"
"Ruthie, I know you can parallel park this car without hitting the other ones.  I know you can do it this time!"

Just the thought of having Richard around all the time makes me smile.

The good news?  I got something better.  I have the Holy Spirit.  I'm not really sure what Holy Spirit looks like, whether it has the afro and wears spandex.  Who knows?  All I know is I have a choice every second of every day of which voice to listen to.  So I could either stalk Richard until he agrees to be my life coach, or I could just turn up the volume on the voice that not only encourages me, but always speaks the truth.  How cool is that?!


  1. I like this one. super insightful with great mental imagry!! thank you for the chuckles.

  2. This totally encouraged me and got me laughing out loud!
